Register Start (Dialogue General options)

In the dialogue General options you will find the register Start. Here you can define some settings for the start of the program.

You will see the following areas in the register:

Here a default is set already.

Child protection
Click on the check box
Disable adult content to activate that function. The window Child protection password will be opened. As soon as you have entered a password, the checkbox is marked. Now all agents possibly providing contents inappropriate to children will be hidden.

Please note that the disabling of certain agents does not guarantee that websites of inappropriate content will not be loaded in the embedded browser upon entry of a critical search term or specific URL. BINGOOO Deutschland GmbH assumes no responsibility for inappropriate content obtained through the misuse of search agents of the embedded browser in spite of activated protection.

Here you can define certain settings for the start of the program. You will find the following options:

Reside in tray         
Splash screen

Keyword defaults
Keyword transfer
Mark red on exit
Long agent hint

Wheelmouse support
Sound enabled
Disable BINGOOO startpage

You can find further information under:

Dialogue General options